Wimax Wiggy

Potong, potong, potong.

Had a P1 Wimax Wiggy for testing. The wiggy size is half of Sony Ericsson W580i.


It is plug and play. A few seconds after I plug in, the red line will on. Then it will prompt for installation.


The prompt actually comes from the wiggy it self.


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Once the installation done, it will continue to pop up a small window trying to connect to available wimax. Too bad the connection is very weak, I had to sit in open area or near to house window in order to get connection. If stay inside room, it will show unavailable service.


Once it is connected, the red light will turn to blue. Connection pretty slow for wiggy. Test download speed at speedtest.net, only showing 0.80Mbps instead of best effort 10Mb… Not even 10%.




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